Changing themes on DX


Dec 28, 2010
Reaction score
Hello everyone, I am an android newbie and have a question about changing themes on my Droid X. I did a search for this info but did not get the answers I am looking for. I have been reading lots on this forum to try to learn about the phone and OS before posting, but I can't figure this out. I have seen a lot of screenshots of phones running really cool themes (dark themes look awesome) and I am wondering if you need to be rooted to do this. Love how customizable these phones are but I am not familiar enough with them to be able to do so. I apologize if this is a ridiculous question. Thanks for the help.
There are a lot of themes in the market that don't require root. Most of the screenshots you see here are from rooted phones though.

DroidForums junkie!!
How do you go about applying the theme once you have downloaded it from the market?
You get a home switcher..also in the market.

DroidForums junkie!!