Y YankInDaSouth Theme Developer Theme Developer Nov 9, 2010 #2 http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-themes/26726-fonts-change-your-fonts-using-metamorph.html I use this - very easy to do with metamorph ... Also, I thinks it's in ROM Manager now too - under forkup (premium users)
http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-themes/26726-fonts-change-your-fonts-using-metamorph.html I use this - very easy to do with metamorph ... Also, I thinks it's in ROM Manager now too - under forkup (premium users)
OP OP S skltr21 Member Nov 9, 2010 #3 AWESOME!!!!! thanks so much. i had no idea anyone had anything up in ROM manager like that. rad. appreciate the response.
AWESOME!!!!! thanks so much. i had no idea anyone had anything up in ROM manager like that. rad. appreciate the response.
Y YankInDaSouth Theme Developer Theme Developer Nov 9, 2010 #4 No prob! Nothing like a little font change to mix things up a bit :biggrin: