Can't find Swype in the HTC Thunderbolt Market


New Member
Jan 11, 2011
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When I search for Swype in the market on my Thunderbolt it doesn't show up. Is there a problem with it or am I not looking for the right app?
Should already be built into the phone of I'm not mistaken. Go to settings then language and keyboard then input settings.
That's what I would have thought as well but at the Verizon store they said I have to download it
I believe you have to register for the beta program on their website. They will email you an apk.

(from Beka's DX)
yes, the above post is correct, i downloaded it earlier, and love it with handcent sms.....
Thanks a bunch. Yeah I downloaded handcent to go along with it.
Thanks I'll give that a try

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I think I'm going to get it to see if I will like it better as well

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Swype's not in the market. It's either delivered with your device or in beta.