This is my first android device. Had a Samsung omnia (win mobile) before this and several Treo's before that.
I have not been able to copy any files to the SD card on my new Droid 2 Global. I have tried with the USB cable and by pulling the SD card and using a USB adaptor straight to my laptop (XP). I can copy the files from the card to my desktop. I can also copy files to the card. But as soon as I remove the card from the laptop and plug it back into the laptop, the files are gone. Similar issues using the USB cable to the phone. Media share shows the files are copied, but as soon as I disconnect the USB cable and remount the card, the files will not show using the "Files" app. I am trying to copy some music to my phone (mp3 and wma files) and the new 1 step root apk so I can root it and then install a tethering software.
I am leaving for China Saturday morning for a couple of weeks (business) and was trying to get this set up before I go. Verizon refuses to unlock my SIM card so I can use a local China SIM since "my account" has not been active for 60 days (but I have had my number since Airtouch days 13 years ago, and always been with Verizon. My last employer was paying it directly for the last 8 years and I just took it back over). But they were gracious enough to activate the stock GSM SIM card and let me pay $1.99 a minute... Fockers...
I have also tried my old microSD card from my omnia. I erased all the files, then did a quick format. I tried putting this into the D2G but it will not boot (stays at the M screen). Then I copied all the files/folders from the original SD card onto the new one and the phone still will not boot. Please help! What am I missing or doing wrong? I can't believe it is this hard to tranfer a a couple of hundred MP3 files onto an SD card so I can listen on the plane... Does this thing even have a music/media player built in or will I need to download one?
Phone will boot without an SD card, but then I have to pull the battery to install the SD card once it boots (extended pack). Kind of defeats the purpose... It will not stay on with just the USB cable. What a crappy design.
I have not been able to copy any files to the SD card on my new Droid 2 Global. I have tried with the USB cable and by pulling the SD card and using a USB adaptor straight to my laptop (XP). I can copy the files from the card to my desktop. I can also copy files to the card. But as soon as I remove the card from the laptop and plug it back into the laptop, the files are gone. Similar issues using the USB cable to the phone. Media share shows the files are copied, but as soon as I disconnect the USB cable and remount the card, the files will not show using the "Files" app. I am trying to copy some music to my phone (mp3 and wma files) and the new 1 step root apk so I can root it and then install a tethering software.
I am leaving for China Saturday morning for a couple of weeks (business) and was trying to get this set up before I go. Verizon refuses to unlock my SIM card so I can use a local China SIM since "my account" has not been active for 60 days (but I have had my number since Airtouch days 13 years ago, and always been with Verizon. My last employer was paying it directly for the last 8 years and I just took it back over). But they were gracious enough to activate the stock GSM SIM card and let me pay $1.99 a minute... Fockers...
I have also tried my old microSD card from my omnia. I erased all the files, then did a quick format. I tried putting this into the D2G but it will not boot (stays at the M screen). Then I copied all the files/folders from the original SD card onto the new one and the phone still will not boot. Please help! What am I missing or doing wrong? I can't believe it is this hard to tranfer a a couple of hundred MP3 files onto an SD card so I can listen on the plane... Does this thing even have a music/media player built in or will I need to download one?
Phone will boot without an SD card, but then I have to pull the battery to install the SD card once it boots (extended pack). Kind of defeats the purpose... It will not stay on with just the USB cable. What a crappy design.