I installed the stock hydrakernel, undervolted, on the 1st. Then on the fourth, while texting my battery died. After plugging it back in and powering up, all the text messages and emails I've received since the install are now gone.
Basically, my phone is acting completely normal, I just lost three days of data. I have everything before the install and everything after the crash. But when I plug my phone into my computer, it acts like it's plugged into the wall. I've tried changing it from 'disk drive' then back, and it still won't register that it's plugged into a computer. When I try to access adb shell it says error: device not found. I have debugging on.
I did a restore, using Rom Manager, to the backup right before the kernel install and it is still not working. I am back on the htc-kernel. I don't know what to do? This is an Incredible
Basically, my phone is acting completely normal, I just lost three days of data. I have everything before the install and everything after the crash. But when I plug my phone into my computer, it acts like it's plugged into the wall. I've tried changing it from 'disk drive' then back, and it still won't register that it's plugged into a computer. When I try to access adb shell it says error: device not found. I have debugging on.
I did a restore, using Rom Manager, to the backup right before the kernel install and it is still not working. I am back on the htc-kernel. I don't know what to do? This is an Incredible