Camera/Video Issues??


New Member
Jun 21, 2010
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On my Incredible some of the photo's and videos that I take with my Droid become duplicates. Yes, copies. When I view the photo or video from the camera or camcorder I see some of the photo's/videos are copies. (I have seen other post about galleries and folders-- this does not appear to be that issue.)

My first notice of a problem was after I shot about 8 videos and downloaded them to my pc. The videos and pics were all transferred to my pc. Later I shot new videos. When I went to the camcorder I saw the old video clips (the ones that had been transferred/deleted) as representations of the new video.

Is there a fix for this problem?

Thank you!
I wish I was posting with an answer, but I don't have one (other than try directly pushing copies through adb instead of a GUI and see if that matters...). What I do have is a camcorder issue I haven't been able to find any help on in any other forums or online. I'm running the latest Onix rom with TeamChaos Clean Black Theme. Any video I record longer than 30 seconds, on any quality setting, causes the camcorder to FC while it's trying to save. Then, I can't reopen the camera through any programs because it's unaccessible. Plus, the original video I took doesn't save. Is there anyone out there having the same problem?
trinog101, you have a pretty unique problem there. Is your phone completely stock? Are you using the stock camera/video recorder app? Have you tried powering down, then pulling the battery, counting to five, putting the battery back in, then powering back up and retesting? What other (if any) camera apps do you have installed? I need more details to be able to hopefully help you.

Indycross. Sometimes when you use custom roms with custom kernels they aren't quite compatible. Also, some custom ROMs can be broken, or conflict with oter apps on the phone. I would recommend reflashing your phone with a fresh download of your custom rom (theme shouldn't matter). If the problem persists, try a different rom.
dang it...

Indycross. Sometimes when you use custom roms with custom kernels they aren't quite compatible. Also, some custom ROMs can be broken, or conflict with oter apps on the phone. I would recommend reflashing your phone with a fresh download of your custom rom (theme shouldn't matter). If the problem persists, try a different rom.

I was afraid someone was going to say that. Am I the only one that just hates having to go to a new rom? I'm just complaining, but we'll see if it works.
Try re-downloading your original ROM first, you may have just gotten a bad download. Also, run the aforementioned rom for a bit without a custom kernel just to be sure that its working, and that your problem doesn't resurface. If it does, then try a different rom, if it does again, then you have hardware problems. I would recommend rom manager, it'll make all of this easy as pie
Indycross. Sometimes when you use custom roms with custom kernels they aren't quite compatible. Also, some custom ROMs can be broken, or conflict with oter apps on the phone. I would recommend reflashing your phone with a fresh download of your custom rom (theme shouldn't matter). If the problem persists, try a different rom.

I was afraid someone was going to say that. Am I the only one that just hates having to go to a new rom? I'm just complaining, but we'll see if it works.
Is there a way to recover a corrupted video file?
That all depends on how it's corrupted? Is it something you did to the file that corrupted it, or did it just one day say that the file was corrupt? Also, I'm assuming that the file previously worked and now it doesn't? Is it corrupt on your droid only, or can you get the file to play on your computer?
That all depends on how it's corrupted? Is it something you did to the file that corrupted it, or did it just one day say that the file was corrupt? Also, I'm assuming that the file previously worked and now it doesn't? Is it corrupt on your droid only, or can you get the file to play on your computer?

Actually, it occurred when saving a 22mb file. It force closed the camera app, but yet there was a 22mb 3gp file on my scard, so it captured/saved something. I tried to hexedit a new header from a working vid, it was a no go. Doesnt work on any device, pc or droid
Thats odd. A video that you where recording corrupted itself? I've seen some weird issues when adding large files to my SD card, but never had any issues when recoding something. Could be the size, although I have files that are well over that on my SD card? Hm...

As far as recovery though, if replacing the file header didn't work then you might be sol. If it's not the header, then its the rest of the file, and thats not something you can fix.