New Member
Hello everyone! I recently upgraded a X2 after a disaster with the thunderbolt. Anyway I had been sort of impressed with the phone until I ordered a Iphone 4 to replace a netbook line. Originally I had no intentions of keeping the Iphone but selling it. Unfortunately I tried out the lower resolution camera and found that it took way better pictures the the X2. The X2 pictures indoors are terrible. They come out very blotchy and fuzzy no matter what I do with the settings. I called Verizon and they sent me a replacement, tried that one before I activated it and the same terrible pictures. So after another call they are sending me a third phone. I know many will say its just a camera but it is suppose to work better then the 3 mp camera that was on my env touch right? The other major downfall I discovered yesterday while I was activating the replacement. I ran a speed test while sitting next to my wireless router to see just how fast the dual core was compared to the iphone. Thinking it was going to spank it I ran the x2 first. Best results for the x2 12.12 mbps download and 1.05 mbps. Pretty good numbers I thought. No apps other then the speed test on the phone. So I decided to run the iphone 4 next. Best numbers I got 13.03 mbps on the download and 1.12 on the upload. Iphone has some apps loaded on it and even the lowest test on the iphone was better then the highest on the X2. So what gives with that? Stock to stock the X2 should smoke it right?