calling headphones


Feb 8, 2010
Reaction score
Oakland, CA
ive seen phones like ibeats but are expensive as hell.
Wondering what are other people looking to purchase or buying it?
I want to be able to listen to music but yet pick up a call without having to unplug. And ofcourse quality is the best issue. i need my bass lol
hopefully someone out there has something on ther tbolt, thanks!
I use my blutooth stereo set from Motorola. They work great. Have music control as well as volume and answering on them. I think their the S90 model. I easily get 14 hours of constant use out of them and the battery usage of Bluetooth is washed out by not having to turn the screen on for music control. If anything I get a little better battery life with them.

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I use motorola t505 in my truck. Also use t505 to stream pandora on my home stereo. I also have an older set of motorola bluetooth headphones I use at work. I have to say both are working beautifully. There was like a very light static sound when I used my droid with the two bluetooth devices mentioned above. I think somehow sounds much better now from bolt.
Music cuts out when you receive a call or notification. You also have the option on bluetooth to select phone and media.

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I use my blutooth stereo set from Motorola. They work great. Have music control as well as volume and answering on them. I think their the S90 model. I easily get 14 hours of constant use out of them and the battery usage of Bluetooth is washed out by not having to turn the screen on for music control. If anything I get a little better battery life with them.

I'll second these headphones. Worked great with my OG Droid as well as the TBolt.

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