So I just realized my proximity sensor is broken. The screen doesn't shut off when against my face, which I have noticed for a while, just didn't realize that was a defect in the phone. I am going to return it this weekend and I am unrooted, never did root this phone.
I have like a gazillion apps, both Amazon (free app of the day) and market apps, including a few of the ten centers they were doing. In the past, when messing with my OG Droid and resetting the phone and rooting and such, sometimes after the factory reset, all my apps would automatically download. The one time I did a factory reset on my Tbolt, it didn't do that. The process takes FOREVER to go in a even remember what apps, let alone redownloading them all. What is the proper process to ensure everything downloads automatically?
I have like a gazillion apps, both Amazon (free app of the day) and market apps, including a few of the ten centers they were doing. In the past, when messing with my OG Droid and resetting the phone and rooting and such, sometimes after the factory reset, all my apps would automatically download. The one time I did a factory reset on my Tbolt, it didn't do that. The process takes FOREVER to go in a even remember what apps, let alone redownloading them all. What is the proper process to ensure everything downloads automatically?