My power button is busted. I've had the phone since 11/09/09 so I'm out of warranty. I'm trying to figure out hardware and software tweaks so I can sleep/wake the device with the camera or volume keys. I know I can slide the keyboard to wake, but that's cumbersome.
I found this post, but can't figure out how to figure out this step:
I have installed Quickboot, Screen Off and lock. I tried Lockbot, but that didn't work. Any ideas? Thanks.:icon_ banana:
I found this post, but can't figure out how to figure out this step:
I don't even know what System@0 etc means# First, check out which file that your device is using.
cat /proc/device-tree/System@0/Keypad@0/name
I have installed Quickboot, Screen Off and lock. I tried Lockbot, but that didn't work. Any ideas? Thanks.:icon_ banana: