

Jan 26, 2010
Reaction score
So I followed this guide here:
Mounting /system partition in read-write mode in Android at Black God

and then this guide here:
How to change fonts in Android without font management tool? at Black God

to install a custom font and now my phone wont boot past the "M" screen. I'm not really sure what to do to revert back to the original font to fix it if this is possible at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

(BTW, I didn't use adb to change the fonts, I used a terminal emulator on my phone to rename the files)
Since you are rooted, try a factory reset or reflash your rom

Hmm, I guess I am trying to avoid that since I know what is wrong, I guess if someone could help me get back into the system folder through adb to simply rename the font files again I could avoid reflashing and losing settings.
Since you are rooted, try a factory reset or reflash your rom

Hmm, I guess I am trying to avoid that since I know what is wrong, I guess if someone could help me get back into the system folder through adb to simply rename the font files again I could avoid reflashing and losing settings.

I got it actually. Using adb pull and then push. Thanks for the help.
Since you are rooted, try a factory reset or reflash your rom

Hmm, I guess I am trying to avoid that since I know what is wrong, I guess if someone could help me get back into the system folder through adb to simply rename the font files again I could avoid reflashing and losing settings.

well firstly can you get into your recovery? (Power and x 5 seconds) Im sorry but the only way your going to be able to do anything is if you flashback. (please tell me you made a backup before you started messing with system files?) If you dont have one then reinstall rom. (the entire reasoning is because if you cant boot your phone up then how are you going to get into system files? And im sorry about the other way, ADB isnt my cup of tea) Reinstalling rom isnt that big of a deal... i do it all the time, the only thing i really care about saving is my sms and i have a sms backup tool.
Hey Jarllax,
Could you please explain further what you did to recover here. I did the exact same thing. I thought I had the permissions on the new fonts set as they were supposed to be, but apparently not. My rooted (unrevoked3) HTC incredible won't get past pretty much the same place as you were seeing.

ilikemoneygreen if i need to reinstall rom as you state, (I can get into recovery) , how would i start going about doing this?
lol WOW this was a bump. Its only from august i guess.
Only thing i can tell you guys who happen to start changing system files is to make a backup. Then reverting inst such a bad thing. Ive had to revert back many times from changing something just like the font. (bootloader many times) sometimes the OS just doesnt like it, and wont start all the way. (trolls attack, gremlins suddenly appear... lol fill in the blank.)
So, this morning my wife unplugged her D3 from the charger and pressed the power button to wake the phone. The back light came on but she got nothing on the screen. So, she held the power button to turn it off then turn it back on except it hasn't turned on since. I've tried multiple battery pulls, tried booting into safe mode and factory restore mode. Nothing. When it's plugged in I can't get any verification as to whether it's charging or not. I took it to Verizon and they tried a new battery to no avail. I have a new one coming but of course she didn't save anything on the SD card. Any suggestions on how I can get this thing booted up? Or at least talking to my computer so I can pull her assorted pictures and videos off? Thanks!

Take the SD card out. You dont need the phone booted up to do that. :biggrin:
Yeah, you come and explain how if she wants to be sure not to lose stuff she needs to make sure she saves it to the sd card. I'll come to your funeral... ;-)
Pictures and videos usually store to sd card by default. Try using a card reader and put card into that, then see if her stuff is readable on pc. Paid apps wont be lost, but data may be, unless they were backed up in titanium...

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She didn't have any sd card in....

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New Development. Just for giggles I plugged the D3 into my computer and the light next to the usb port lit. Is this usually on during normal charging or is it just a sign of life indicator telling me "yeah I'm here but not happy"?

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums
New Development. Just for giggles I plugged the D3 into my computer and the light next to the usb port lit. Is this usually on during normal charging or is it just a sign of life indicator telling me "yeah I'm here but not happy"?

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums

The light is usually on when it is drawing USB power. Did you try powering up?

Did you try cleaning the battery contacts with a clean pencil eraser? This works more often than you might think. Good luck