Last night I flashed cwm touch for nexus 7 when it was supposed to be for galaxy nexus. As i realized in horror what I had done I immediately flashed cwm touch back which went fine. I then hit reboot and when I looked back at my phone a min later the screen was off. I cannot get the phone to turn on no matter what I do. Odin, power mode doesnt matter. Tried different batteries and cables but no luck. When I plug into my computer omap4400 pops up for a few seconds but then it goes away. Other than that nothing on the phone will turn on no matter what I try. Did I hard brick my phone and is there anything I can possibly do? I filed a claim with Samsung and its under warranty still but that could take up to 10 days for me to get a fixed or replaced gnex. I was hoping I could fix it myself. Thank you for any help