New Member
So a few weeks ago my sister's dinc's charge port went bad and she was sent a replacement. The replacement phone was stuck in a boot loop which I initially thought was due to overheating because if you would leave it off for a few hours you would be able to boot the phone without issues for about 10 minutes before it would restart and then never make it past the first screen. Playing around with it I decided to leave the bootloader open and while thats open the phone will run indefinitely until the battery runs dry. What does this sound like to you? She went to the store and they had no idea they said they could mail another new phone or she qualified for an upgrade and she decided to do that and got a droid 2 instead
In any case we still have the bootloop droid and I'd kinda like to get it working if possible just for the hell of it. I kinda ruled out the overheating idea, and I don't think its the roaming deal because I managed to *228 it and update everything.