Boot Loop on Rubix 1.9.3


New Member
May 25, 2010
Reaction score
I recently loaded the OTA leak and then loaded the newest Rubix Rom. I did all the normal steps, clockwork, wipe cache wipe data, loaded zip file and reboot. Upon reboot I see the M logo, then I see the rubix boot animation but it will not go past that. I've also attempted to get to the stock recovery and it takes me to the bootloader with this message.

Err: A5, 70,00,00,2f

I cannot get to stock recovery to attempt to wipe cache and data again and I cannot get to the clockwork.

Any suggestions?
I'm not nearly as technical as most people on this forum and I see that you did do the wipe like you should of.

But just for good measure pull out your battery, put it back in power back and hold home button, when you see little droid press search button, then choose wipe data/cashe now by pressing camera button.

Sometimes that helps me out when messing around with the phone and I think I did everything right. Other than that you'll have to rely on the real techies here.