Blur vs Blurless Question

You can also run full blur and just freeze apps that you dont want/use with Titanium Backup Pro. I'm on stock GB blur (really well done imo) with that going on.
A good example of what gets removed in a blurless rom can be seen with the latest Apex rom. It's almost ridiculous how much extra stuff they force on us. Take a look at the removed app zip Fabulous put together. I never knew there was so much.

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With root, stock is just as good as any rom. Just remove bloat, and use an alternate launcher and bingo, you have a lag free phone, even with all the blur.

I like blur, the blur dialer, car home, msg, hdmi. AOSP just doesn't do anything for me. GB with bloat removed has same amount of free space as rubix and gummy jar even with all the blur.