Sorry if I ruin any hopes or dreams with this post...
The blur dialer relies heavily on the MotoBlur framework... So, any ROM based on blur framework can use the Blur dialer without issue (rubiX Blurry, tranquility, apex, zapx, etc. etc. etc.)
ROMs that are not based on MotoBlur, will not likely ever run the blur dialer, along with a few other blur components that rely heavily on the blur framework.
Some apps just work (camera, gallery, keyboards, etc.)... Ones that require modding the framework are more trouble than their worth... there's no "porting them over" without some serious modifications to both framework and/or app..
In the mean time, if you're unhappy with the AOSP dialer that's in Focused, a few people use front-end dialers, available from the market such as DialerOne, or aContacts.
Hope this helps!