Bluetooth Earpiece Not Calling Out


New Member
Jun 29, 2010
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I just bought my Droid, it looked so cool. It said it had everything I wanted and needed. Including Bluetooth capability… (NOT). So I buy it and try setting up my bluetooth earpiece. It says it’s connected. If I call my cell, I can hit the earpiece button to answer it. But hitting the earpiece button will not start a call. I hit the button and nothing happens. I call Verizonwireless and they tell me the Droid will not work fully with a bluetooth earpiece, maybe when the upgrade comes out. When I bought the phone, the salesman also tried selling me a package deal of a case, bluetooth earpiece, and car charger. The Droid is pretty popular for it not to have this option. Is this guy correct? Anyone able to call out with 1 touch, voice call with a blurtooth?
It's coming in Froyo, works great on my rooted Droid running sapphire. I believe this was an issue with all 2.1 phones (at least it was on the 2 I have used).
