New Member
Some of this may be my fault in that I have a charger for the wall that only require the battery, two of them actually, and four batteries...so I constantly carry extra fully charged batteries and swap them out as needed. I basically never actually charge my phone. I have done this for a LONG time with this being my 3rd Bionic, never had an issue. Then, over the weekend my phone suddenly would not power on. I reviewed some articles and have been implementing a method suggested by others of taking out SIM, SD, battery and allowing it sit....then I put them back in and it does not come on, then I hold volume down and hit power for a minute, then it does not work, then after pushing at it and using different batteries (all undoubtedly fully charged) it randomly comes on. This has happened for days now. The first time it happened it died while I was sleeping so I thought that an app was running while it died that caused it to "boot cycle," but that is not the case because every since I have powered it down myself each time. Argh
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.