Am I missing something our is the bionic car mount completely pointless. I set it up the way I assume I was supposed to. Mounted the base on the windshield and it sticks just fine no problem there. The phone has the verizon shell holster combo case on it so I took the adaptor piece out of the cradle for the phone and it fits in there and connects just fine. So the cradle had the ball connector at the end of it and I put it in the female end on the base, but the cradle won't hold the phone up. It's like the phone is to heavy for the ball and socket. I try to position the phone at a good angle but the joint won't hold the phone up and it just falls down to the point where the phone is pretty much face down on the dash. Even if I can get it to hold the phone up the first bump I hit or the first time I try to touch the screen it falls back down. Is anyone else having this problem our am I missing something.
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