Bionic and mac


Dec 23, 2011
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Well i just replaced my thunderbolt with a droid bionic .. still getting the feel for this device but so far so good except one thing. When connecting my phone to my mac book pro my sd card never appears. Onmy my internal memory. Never had this issue before with my last phone. I guess i need to know what i can do to get my sd memory to show up. Everything reads fine when im just using the phone as is so i know my memory card is working correctly. Im not real techy so any advice would be good for me.. thanks in advance. Hope my problem is understood

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My bionic has never done this, but my wife's has done this. There may be some setting for mounting the card. Does un/replugging the cable help??

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I reset while still plugged in to the computer luck

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Tried unplugging too.. not sure what settings to alter to get it to work

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Seems to just recognize the internal memory

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Try it on a different computer. If that doesn't work, take it to a Verizon store and they can help you out

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