Bettercut Shortcuts


Dec 27, 2009
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Hey everyone, I recently just bought bettercut to make customized shortcuts. I also have advanced task manager. My problem is that I can't figure out a way to make a shortcut for the "press to end" widget. Does anyone happen to know how to make a shortcut with bettercut that will perform the "press to end" button from advanced task manager. I think I may need to write the path manually to make a shortcut? I have no idea where start... Hopefully someone here knows! Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Advanced task manager already has a widget associated with it that will perform the press to end function. No need to use Better Cut. Just add it like you would any other widget.
Advanced task manager already has a widget associated with it that will perform the press to end function. No need to use Better Cut. Just add it like you would any other widget.

I don't think the question was "How do I create a widget for this?" I think it was "How do I edit the widget/"create a new one" with Bettercut?"

My advice, don't use app killers. [I might be thinking of Advanced Task Killer...]