best way to manage contacts for a former Palm addict


New Member
May 31, 2010
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Brand new to the droid and suffering some pains! Very attached to an old Palm and would like to get into the habit of using a single device, instead of needing to keep up with the cell phone AND the Palm. In particular, used the Palm for making notes about contacts for business. (i.e. "office manager has red hair; closed on Tuesdays, etc., etc.)

Any advice? Any apps that would be recommended? It seems that there are way too many steps to add NOTES to contacts.
I'm a little confused by your question.

the note field is in a contact (you need to be editing the contact) is beneath the ORGANIZATION field.

What's the prob bob?
Palm Addict, too

If you do find something that allows you to manage contacts like the Palm, please post here! I've been searching. Contact categories and a search for adding to contacts are the things I miss most. I have over 4000 contacts and scrolling through them all just sucks! Also, an automatic 'add to contacts?' would be nice. My Moto Droid is worlds better than the Pre Plus that I tried for three weeks, but I do hate dragging my Centro with me to dig up my notes. Also, is there a way to save your configuration to your SD card, so you don't have to set everything up again when it goes back to factory settings?
I also have oodles of contacts, and have just updated from my old Palm Treo to a Droid X. Contacts are a big issue - the default sort is by last name, but I have nearly 1000 of them. Scrolling through, or doing a search is painful. In my Google Contacts I have them all nicely organized into about 45 groups (category on the old Palm OS, 'categories' on Outlook Contacts), but the groups seems to not be supported in the supplied Droid X Contacts function. I have been looking through the app store, but haven't seen any that would really work properly without introducing a bunch more baggage and unneeded stuff.

Does anyone have any idea how to deal with this? Has anyone found an app or way to be able to select a category first to see a relatively short list of contacts, then pick your contact to dial or email?