Best place to buy replacement parts for the Fascinate?


New Member
Oct 30, 2010
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I've owned my Verizon Samsung Fascinate for a whopping 48 hours and managed to shatter the glass and damage the LCD screen chasing my 18 month old at the produce stand while picking out pumpkins. I don't want to pay retail for another phone or activate my old BB. I did a google search and I want to buy a new glass/LCD combo and install it myself. I could also take it to the place in the mall that will install it for me for $60. I've found one online but I'm not sure if it's the right one. Does anyone have any suggestions for places to buy one from or installation tips/Youtube videos? Thanks in advance!
Sorry to hear friend shattered his HD2 screen, he had a mall kiosk guy fix it for him, and it looked perfectly fit and fine after...of course it won't be the same guy, just thought you'd like some thoughts
:welcome: to the forum!

I take it you don't have insurance. That's too bad. Here's the thing -- installing new screens is tricky at best, often requires specialized tools, and the parts are almost impossible to find. If you have a place that will install it for $60 then jump on it. Start looking on Craig's list and eBay for dead phones/bad ESN Fascinates with functional screens. Other than that you MIGHT find a digitizer assembly on eBay. Good luck.

Oh, and calling Verizon to get insurance put on for $8/month and then filing a claim tomorrow would be insurance fraud, so I don't recommend you do that. :)
Very valid points. I'm just so mad at myself for sticking the phone in my purse in the same pocket that I stuck my old BB 8330 in and thinking it would be fine. Ugh. My daughter tripped over a pumpkin and I bent down quickly to grab her and my purse swung around and the phone slid right out. I can order the LCD/glass part for $90 it looks like and have the mall people install for $60 which may be my best option.

Samsung Fascinate i500 LCD + Touch Screen Digitizer Replacement

Does this look like it is the right one?
I honestly wouldn't know a Fascinate digitizer from an Incredible digitizer. If the part numbers match then it should work. Just make sure you have a guarantee. :)
Any idea where to find those water stickers that VZW puts on all of the phones and battery's. It's the red sticker that changes if the phone gets wet.