I primarily want to use it to....SAVEEE!!! 
There's 4 top ones
Barcode Scanner
ShopSavvy Barcode Scanner
Redlaser Barcode & QR Scanner
Quickmark Barcode Scanner
I do have ShopSavvy but it's not really working out. Most items I find are new and sometimes it takes a LONGGG time to load. I scanned a 1 Liter CocaCola bottle and it took almost 30 minutes to finally find the results. I'm not going to wait 30 minutes at a grocery store to search for a cheaper price!!

There's 4 top ones
Barcode Scanner
ShopSavvy Barcode Scanner
Redlaser Barcode & QR Scanner
Quickmark Barcode Scanner
I do have ShopSavvy but it's not really working out. Most items I find are new and sometimes it takes a LONGGG time to load. I scanned a 1 Liter CocaCola bottle and it took almost 30 minutes to finally find the results. I'm not going to wait 30 minutes at a grocery store to search for a cheaper price!!