BEFORE! 2.2 official rollout. What to do? (root users)


Senior Member
Dec 3, 2009
Reaction score
Lower Delaware
I think this thread is necessary to help the rooted users.

What happened last time was.....the rollout came out and alot of us were suffering from severe battery drain from the OTA continual download.

What i did was not really the right thing. I unrooted and took the update and had to reroot. Pain in the A$$.

What i should have done is just accept the update and let it download and let SPRecovery block it. Thats all that i really had to do. Wish i had known that before hand. That is why i started this thread.

If it is the same as the last update this is all you have to do.

1. accept it and let it download
2. SPRecovery will then block it
3. No more prompts to download the OTA
4. VOILA!!!

(if any of this information is incorrect please feel free to edit in your own post)
Good info.

As an aside... not exactly OFF topic, but not directly on it either...
Dont unroot until we know for sure that they havent messed with the bootloader.
Yea I'm hoping this works this time like it did for 2.1 though. Who knows if they slipstreamed something in last minute to override something and let it install. I dunno, I know I should be fine. I'll let someone else let it try to install and confirm. Clockwork should block this as well, right?
Yea I'm hoping this works this time like it did for 2.1 though. Who knows if they slipstreamed something in last minute to override something and let it install. I dunno, I know I should be fine. I'll let someone else let it try to install and confirm. Clockwork should block this as well, right?

Just spoke with a member on a site that cannot be named here. This person is of very high regards in my opinion. He assures that it is just like the 2.1 and to follow the instructions in the OP.
Good info for those who have rooted post 2.1 update!
I was not rooted when I installed 2.1.
Running bugless beast, I never even got an OTA notification for 2.1.. should i expect one for 2.2?
I have never been prompted for an official OTA, well mabye the very first one, in early December last year but I don't even think that was a real update, it went from 2.0 to 2.0 I think there was just a small bug fix

The 2.0.1 update I installed myself from a leaked version I found on the forum and 2.1 came by way of AdamZ S/G 6.0 and 2.2 also leaked here at D/F so I guess we will see what the official FrozenYogurt brings my way....Wohl Nichts
Yea I'm hoping this works this time like it did for 2.1 though. Who knows if they slipstreamed something in last minute to override something and let it install. I dunno, I know I should be fine. I'll let someone else let it try to install and confirm. Clockwork should block this as well, right?

I would also like to make sure that clockwork should block this as well...
Yea I'm hoping this works this time like it did for 2.1 though. Who knows if they slipstreamed something in last minute to override something and let it install. I dunno, I know I should be fine. I'll let someone else let it try to install and confirm. Clockwork should block this as well, right?

I would also like to make sure that clockwork should block this as well...
Someone else will have to chime in on this. I have no idea.

My guess.....guess that is...... that it is SPRecovery that actually blocks the install of the OTA. Is Clockwork the same? dunno
I can always flash back to SPRecovery through ROM Manager, let it DL and block, flash back to clockwork and back everything up. I'm pretty sure this will work.
ill find out.
I can always flash back to SPRecovery through ROM Manager, let it DL and block, flash back to clockwork and back everything up. I'm pretty sure this will work.

great idea!! Never thought of that one!!

There is a ROM itself out that allows you to do just that you know:)
From Koush:

Only test signed images work if using the autoupdate mechanism. The official OTAs use release/privately signed zips. So yes, it will fail to install.
