BBM like app for android!


Mar 14, 2010
Reaction score
If your a fan of B.B.M:blackberry: and miss it or want to have it, there is something like it in the market called kik messenger. it works pretty good, from what I've seen. Please look it up and try it.
awesome..i never had a blackberry but i seen my mom using that messenger thing with a couple of her coworkers but id like to use it but none of my friends have droids lol..just my mom and i so far..that i know of haha
eh, I just use gtalk. I can't see any apparent advantages, and a great deal more people use gtalk than this, at least as of right now. Don't get me wrong, I was a HUGE fan of bbm, but now pretty much everyone I know has migrated over to Android or iphone, so bbm/dedicated chat apps are relatively superfluous. Now if this app somehow allowed chat with bbm(I believe it's impossible because bbm is rim server specific, but I could be wrong) that would be quite interesting.
I prefer Live Profile Beta. It's really similar to BBM. You can update your status and add pictures. You can send pic's etc. And I believe its also in the bb app store and the apple app store, so you can use it with them too!

I like it a lot because you can see when they recieve your message, and you can also see when they read it, or when they are typing a message. Great app all in all. You also get a pin number like you would on BBM.