Battle for Mars multiplayer - join up!


Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Battle for Mars has been out for a while, and was my first "favorite" game for Android. It's a turn-based strategy game and it's quite fun. I put a couple screenshots below and a link to their website so you can find out more.

Why am I shilling for this developer? Because they've added a multiplayer game and there aren't enough people playing. The game was great single-player but now that it has the multiplayer function, it's even better. What I like about it is that you don't have to commit to a whole game in one sitting to play multiplayer - games can go on for days as all players take their turn when they have time.

Seriously. Check it out. Play against me.


Link to their website.


I'll give it a shot, you forgot to mention that the multiplayer version is $4.99 in the market.
is there a free version? i'd love to play but dont want to shell out that much unless im sure i'll like it
I bought Battle for Mars when it was just single player. The campaign maps and extra maps will keep you busy for around 10 hours of enjoyable play where you can learn the basics of the game.

If you like games like Chess or Starcraft, you'd probably enjoy this game. There is a free single player version to play if you wanna check out the basics.

What I like most about this game is that it really requires a lot of strategy and efficient moves, but has very simple rules and units.

My only complaints about this game is that I wish it had chat capabilities, ranking system, and an option to create time-limit games. Other than that, it's a great game.