CaptainSS said:Oh my. Congrats to you my friend:icon_ banana:. I have a P00Per.
I'm at 50% turned on at 9am and I have not used the phone at all today.
Question: Did you receive phone via mail and you charged before turning on or did you get it at the store and what happened there?
I upgraded at the store last week, when I walked out of there I was 70 percent out the box. By the time I went to bed it was at 15. And that's the lowest I've seen it so far. As each day went on the battery would just be better everyday!
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Droid Forums
CaptainSS said:Good info. Thank you. So, the store employee turned it on (activated it) it's been about a week. In essence you did the "Meter training" either intentionally or otherwise.
Have you seen a steady increase in battery performance or was your post a result of an "All of a sudden" performance increase?
Yes meter training. And gradually increased. Can't find online where my post was moved to? I thought this was the Max section? Anyway do it that way, and the battery will be great!
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Droid Forums
I'm more and more convinced that differing battery performance from one user to the next may be less about how the user is actually using it and more about how the local cellular towers are forcing the phones to run at higher power levels, search more often for closer towers or stronger signal, and related power suck.
Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2 with Google voice to text translation. Please excuse any minor spelling, punctuation, capitalization or grammatical errors.
I've experienced exactly what you are talking about on my Rezound. At home, in an old house without the shielding of aluminum backed insulation, I get strong signals (data and voice) even in the basement. Battery lasts easily all day (standard battery). At my daughter's house, where the coverage is strong according to the VZW coverage maps, my Rezound switches constantly between 4G and 3G, battery gets warm, and dies before the day is out. At a campground where I am roaming on USCC and getting weak voice signals and 1X data, battery dies quickly with less usage than at home.No,.... I was referring to what makes two identical phones perform so much differently for two different people. ......
I'm more and more convinced that differing battery performance from one user to the next may be less about how the user is actually using it and more about how the local cellular towers are forcing the phones to run at higher power levels, search more often for closer towers or stronger signal, and related power suck.
Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2 with Google voice to text translation. Please excuse any minor spelling, punctuation, capitalization or grammatical errors.
first of all, using voice to write texts, sometimes, is a godsend
and you might be onto something. the more time your phone spends dead and not connected to the network, the more money they save LOL