So here is a quick rundown: droid 1, sapphire 1.1.1
So my phone died yesterday, now when I plug it into the wall with the battery in it will load all the up to the screen lock, then shutdown and just keep cycling. I pulled the battery and the phone work perfectely, although there is a cog shaped object in my battery bar. Now if I put battery in sometimes is will just shut down...others it will do nothing. When it does nothing I tried to unplug the charger and replug it in and it will shut down again.
So is my battery the problem, so some sort of phone itself issue..
So my phone died yesterday, now when I plug it into the wall with the battery in it will load all the up to the screen lock, then shutdown and just keep cycling. I pulled the battery and the phone work perfectely, although there is a cog shaped object in my battery bar. Now if I put battery in sometimes is will just shut down...others it will do nothing. When it does nothing I tried to unplug the charger and replug it in and it will shut down again.
So is my battery the problem, so some sort of phone itself issue..