Battery questions


Senior Member
May 28, 2011
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Z Force
Great phone. But I have two questions.

The screen off and on time seems a bit...disproportionate. The off screen time is amazing. But the screen on time seems to go kinda fast comparatively. Is this normal? Does it mean anything else? It could just be me...

And the phone start's getting warm after about 5 minutes or so. Is that normal? It doesn't get "hot" but it's definitely warmer than my Note 3 would get doing the same things for longer periods of time. I don't really mind, I just want to make sure it's not killing my battery or making it worse...and if this upcoming Georgia heat will matter at all.

Any thoughts appreciated, thanks!
Not sure what you mean by screen off time, but screen on time eats battery for sure. Takes a lot of juice to power these screens.

Sent from my Note 4
Sorry, by screen off I meant the overall combination of shortly after being locked and then deep sleep...if phones still do that. And also my apologies, I definitely know how much battery these new phones take, but seeing other threads, my screen on time seems to be a bit less than people who seem to use their phone even more than I do.

But again it's not like a tremendous amount, GSAM puts it at 3 hrs 45 min, it still gets me through the day. I just want to make sure the phone getting warm after a fairly short amount of time is normal for this larger battery and wondering if this warmness is affecting the screen time. It could definitely just be me, but I didn't think it'd hurt to ask :D
Screen on will warm the phone a bit. Please note that I said warm. 5 minutes of on time should not get your phone hot.
How's your overall battery life? Should be better than, or at least on par with, the note 3.....with equal usage that is.
So yours also gets warm? Does it maintain that level of warmness without continuously getting hot? I've used it at most now for about 30 minutes straight, and it was warm, warmer than at 5 minutes, not what I'd call hot though and mostly more in the center.

And to answer your question, the sleep time is unbelievable, which is why I'm surprised the screen time is only an hour better on GSam than my Note was at 3 hr 45 min, instead of like 2/30. But the "Battery Life" is listed as 2d 2.2h, and was like 23hr on my Note 3.

I'd say maybe 10 degrees warmer than when it's been on the turbo charger for a bit, if that helps. I'll try and monitor the exact temp..

Also, what's a recommended amount of time to keep the turbo charger plugged in? If I can charge it for like 30 min a day till it gets too low and then a full charge with a normal charger (prob 2-3x a week) that too much?
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Gee.... Wrote a great reply.... Got the tapatalk circle of death..... It disappeared. Lemme get you some great links on threads about lithium batteries and charging. I'll post those here later.
Yes, my phone gets warm. They all do, I suppose. Are you charging during these "warm periods"? Screen on and charging at the same time will increase that temp.
One possible reason why you notice the warmth is that the note 3 is a much larger and thinner phone. There is a much larger surface area for the heat to dissipate. I also noticed the increase in heat on my turbo because, like you, I came from a note 3.
I almost never use the turbocharger. I only use it when my battery is very low and I need a quick charge before leaving the house. I charge with a Motorola droid Razr Maxx charger for about 1 to 2 hours every morning as I use my phone. This gets me through an average day. on weekends or days where I'm going to be using my phone even more I simply use the slow charger many times. lithium batteries on these phones prefer many slow charges over one long one. like I said, I will post links to threads discussing this matter for you later on today, maybe tomorrow. I'm not doing that now because I have to go to work, sorry.
In answer to OP's original question, yes I'm 6 months in with my Turbo now and I've noticed a reduction in battery life. The exact same usage that would leave me at about 40% at the end of the day now typically leaves me around 30%. Still great, but not as awesome as it was 6 months ago. Oh, and I would guess I've used my OEM Turbo charger less than 6 times in 6 months.

Sent from my Droid Turbo
Is it a bad habit to charge overnight Android Forum at

Read what FoxKat posts. He is our resident battery whisperer. :)
His answers are based on research. I checked out one of his sources, legit.

Funny cause I actually remember when those threads came around! Batteries were such a "hot" topic back then (see what I did there?). I just didn't know how much these things have changed in the past few years, once I got my Note 3 I was so satisfied and so busy I stopped following smartphones.

In answer to OP's original question, yes I'm 6 months in with my Turbo now and I've noticed a reduction in battery life. The exact same usage that would leave me at about 40% at the end of the day now typically leaves me around 30%. Still great, but not as awesome as it was 6 months ago. Oh, and I would guess I've used my OEM Turbo charger less than 6 times in 6 months.

Sent from my Droid Turbo

I find the turbo charger fascinating. At first I thought it was a great idea till I read these forums and see everyone advising against it! What's the point if it's so controversial? They should've just included a regular charger and made the turbo an accessory!

Thanks for the heads up though, pretty much what I was expecting. This happened with my GS3 too. But yeah I don't think it's a problem with my phone specifically, and it probably will wear it down after awhile, and so that's that! Maybe when the Droid Turbo Diesel comes out they'll have figured out how to keep it cool.
Well... The other school of thought is "don't baby the battery. You'll just trade the phone off in 18 months. You can get the batt replaced for 50 bucks at motorola". :)
Or, once it's been out a year, get an OEM replacement for less than 20 bucks... problem solved.

S5 tap'n
If I attempt to change the battery myself I'd be walking around with a pocket full of plastic, gorilla glass, balistic nylon, and whatever else is in phone. :-(
