Battery question


Feb 26, 2011
Reaction score
First day of a full charge and these are my results on stock battery. Not overclocked or undervolted... I just flashed the rom and kernel and ran with it.

Is this normal? I'm running codename with Franco's latest kernel (17.2?) And I wasn't very satisfied. I mean, this is a good amount of time but I was expecting more.

I had what I consider to be moderate usage. I'm at 2:10:00 of on screen time. Play maybe an hour of music, maybe 20 mins of YouTube and the rest was texting and browsing. A little bit was admiring the screen as well :p. 50% brightness. Dunno how that compares to everyone else.

So is it because it was first charge, too much use (my moderate probably isn't someone else's moderate) or should I try another kernel?

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Sometimes it takes your phone a couple charge cycles to get the most out of your battery. But that doesn't sound too crazy, 2hrs of screen on time especially at 50% brightness is going to be a killer on your battery regardless of your setup.

Trying as many ROMs and kernels as you have time to try, as well as different governors and setups on those kernels is in your best interest. Different folks have different experiences with different things.

That said, you can look into if your phone is sleeping properly using something like CPU Spy (app in market). It will tell you how much time your phone has been in deep sleep. You can also use BetterBatteryStats to perhaps find some problem apps. Google +, SDM, DRM something or other, and a few others get mentioned from time to time as potential battery killers.

But as always, different setups and different usage patterns will result in different user experiences.
One thing I did notice was that I hardly lost any life while the phone was asleep. Once I got the screen on however it took a dive.

I guess I'm just using it a lot with too much brightness. Romwise I'm just kind of tiding myself over until cm9, love me some cyanogen.

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Yeah the phone sleeps pretty well for me as well. I tend to lose maybe 1% every couple hours roughly, with wifi on and decent reception and nothing major syncing (Google Voice I believe is one of the only things that would be syncing for me). Some folks do have problems with the phone idling not sleeping properly, and there are a lot of fixes for those problems.

The screen is quite thirsty unfortunately. The lower you can go on the brightness the better you are, but still it is thirsty even at the minimum brightness. Also darker things are better for your battery life as well.
Now on to something else... the AMOLED screen! Does keeping it black really save power? The answer is... sort of!
I ran several tests with the device in airplane mode and just showing a solid color on the screen on the dimmest, and brightest screen settings.
  • Dim black: 1.8W
  • Dim white: 2.0W
  • Bright black: 1.9W
  • Bright white: 2.9W
For extra fun...
  • Bright Red: 2.5W
  • Bright Green: 2.6W
  • Bright Blue: 2.8W
So if you run the screen at the dimmest setting, it really doesn't matter what the screen is showing. If you run it at the brightest... then white really does draw more power. A lot more. If you can set Google Maps to display the screen mostly black, that could save a significant amount of power during navigation.

^ from
I flashed leankernel and after about and hour I've only dropped 15% with the screen on the entire time at over 50% brightness. Thanks for the help

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