Battery Consumption


Jan 5, 2012
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Hi all! I've had my RAZR for a good amount of time now and am no stranger to android phones (Droid 2, Incredible, Incredible 2, Charge, and Bionic). I've been applying the tips from other discussions in these forums to maximize the better life but whenever I check my settings<battery information<consumption it always says my display is taking up somewhere around 75%. My brightness is all the way down and I've turned off screen animations as well as other tips from the forums. I was just wondering if anyone else was seeing something similar? If their is already a discussion that answers this I apologize as I am relatively new to the forums. Thanks in advance.

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Is that after you've been playing on it for a while on battery?

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Is that after you've been playing on it for a while on battery?

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No. I'd just taken it off the charger. Would that maybe be the reason?
No. I'd just taken it off the charger. Would that maybe be the reason?

not unless it was on the whole time, i'm not familiar with this problem, maybe call Verizon or moto

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What is the reading after you have been off of the charger with the screen off - does it balance out?
Mine is the same way. while the screen is on it uses about 75 percent of the total charge coming off the battery at that time. The only thing I know that will make it use a little less battery is to dim it all the way but it still doesn't make that much difference. As for cutting down on screen effects, that only makes the CPU use less battery, and just doesn't really help that much either.

My battery lasts about all day if I don't have my screen on much. The point is... This screen just uses a ton of battery because of its picture quality.

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mine is about 52%. my guess is that there is alot going on the screen, so it uses more battery than any other.
My screen seems pretty bright even when it is turned all the way down. Anyone else have this issue?

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Use a black wallpaper. I find it helps out. Less bright colors the better.

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Use a black wallpaper. I find it helps out. Less bright colors the better.

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This is true. SAMOLED uses power to light each pixel where LCD uses power for back light even when screen is black.

As for percentages, remember that 75% is a high percentage but it's a percentage of the amount of power used over the time period measured and specifically while on battery power. If you are looking at it right after being on charge, and if total consumption is only 40 mAh at the moment, then the display is only using 30 mAh. That is a very small amount of power. For instance, mine has been on battery for 1:27 and the display usage is 67%, which sounds like an exorbitant amount but my total battery consumption is only 10%.

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