So I'm stuck on what alternate battery solution I should go with. I have the extended battery which isn't bad, but I love the sleek sexy look and feel of the stock battery rezound. So I need some battery extension alternatives. i don't want to be stuck somewhere without more battery life. So should I:
A. Get a spare battery and simply keep it in my car or in my pocket
B. get the wireless charger that hangs off the phone
C. Stick with the extended battery
D. Pray that i don't need more battery when I need it the most in an emergency?
I love my slim jim rezound even though it is considered thick to some.
A. Get a spare battery and simply keep it in my car or in my pocket
B. get the wireless charger that hangs off the phone
C. Stick with the extended battery
D. Pray that i don't need more battery when I need it the most in an emergency?
I love my slim jim rezound even though it is considered thick to some.