so before ginger bread i would get a good 12 hours of moderate use with the x2.
after gingerbread i fully charged my phone before bed lastnight at 1 am took it off charge and when i woke up at 7 am it was dead so 6 hours or less on stand by anyone else got this issue.
all my settings are the same as when i used froyo onlything on is my wifi and gps but they still shouldntuse that much battery.
thanks all
after gingerbread i fully charged my phone before bed lastnight at 1 am took it off charge and when i woke up at 7 am it was dead so 6 hours or less on stand by anyone else got this issue.
all my settings are the same as when i used froyo onlything on is my wifi and gps but they still shouldntuse that much battery.
thanks all