Motorola felt the sting of defeat in a courtroom today while fighting Apple. ITC judge Thomas Pender found that Apple may have infringed upon Motorola's patent, but he ruled that the patent was invalid to begin with. Interestingly the reason the judge found the patent invalid was because of a separate patent that Motorola holds but did not include in their filing. Here's a quote with a few more details,
Today, Judge Pender of the International Trade Commission ruled that, while Apple did infringe on said patent, there would be no legal ramifications because Motorola’s claim is ‘invalid.’ The reason behind the decision stems from the fact that Motorola holds another, older touch patent very similar to the one in question, yet it was not included in the original filing.
So, it appears the Apple legal team will be celebrating a successful year in the courtroom over Christmas. Although, its entirely possible to prolong the ordeal if Motorola chooses to appeal the ruling over the coming weeks.
The courts certainly are picky...
Source: TalkAndroid