Apple May Have Resized Photos Again in Samsung Case

You act as if it was done on two separate occasions...its most probably the same moron who did this without Apple's knowledge for the same case. I find it hard to believe that a company would so blatantly risk something like this, especially a company like Apple.

Doesn't matter. Apple has their lawyers who are supposed to review all of their materials as evidence anyways. They still presented that in court so I don't feel the least bit sorry for Apple even if someone did it without their knowledge.
I don't like apple. I hate how sue happy they are. I also think the pictures were intentionally doctored.

However, looking at the pics, it IS rather disturbing how similar the two devices look. I realize that there is a limit to how different you can make one phone from another. But looking at these phones from the front, what was Samsung thinking? Their phone looks like a scaled up iphone, with different buttons on the bottom and Samsung at the top.

Well there's no denying they look similar. I think Samsung did that to appeal to users who like the styling of the iPhone but wanted an Android device. But the point here is that Apple used photoshopped "evidence" in court.
Doesn't matter. Apple has their lawyers who are supposed to review all of their materials as evidence anyways. They still presented that in court so I don't feel the least bit sorry for Apple even if someone did it without their knowledge.

I agree with that, if, and a REALLY REALLY REALLY big if this was truly passed in as evidence than they deserve whatever punishment they get.

To be or not to be........................wait what was the question? This signature has been Tapatalk approved.
Doesn't matter. Apple has their lawyers who are supposed to review all of their materials as evidence anyways. They still presented that in court so I don't feel the least bit sorry for Apple even if someone did it without their knowledge.

That's the point. It's not like Apple said, ok let's doctor these photos and pass them off as truth. The people who did it are stupid, and the lawyers didn't catch it. It's not like their was some corporate conspiracy by Apple to pull wool over the eyes of the court. I mean, you do know that at some point in this proceeding the two devices would physically be shown side by side, right? and it wouldn't be them looking at pictures all day long. why would they do that when its pretty obvious the actual devices would be compared in person?
True, this is the internet and EVERYTHING on the internet is real :icon_rolleyes:. But yeah I guess no one really knows except Apple, Samsung, and everyone involved in the lawsuit.
I agree with that, if, and a REALLY REALLY REALLY big if this was truly passed in as evidence than they deserve whatever punishment they get.

To be or not to be........................wait what was the question? This signature has been Tapatalk approved.

absolutely. if they purposely tried to fool the court, they deserve it. but that's about as farfetched a situation as you can imagine...
That's the point. It's not like Apple said, ok let's doctor these photos and pass them off as truth. The people who did it are stupid, and the lawyers didn't catch it. It's not like their was some corporate conspiracy by Apple to pull wool over the eyes of the court. I mean, you do know that at some point in this proceeding the two devices would physically be shown side by side, right? and it wouldn't be them looking at pictures all day long. why would they do that when its pretty obvious the actual devices would be compared in person?

Well the people who did it either work for Apple or work with them. Either way Apple is still responsible and according to everything we've been here, Apple tried to use those photos as evidence anyways.
Well the people who did it either work for Apple or work with them. Either way Apple is still responsible and according to everything we've been here, Apple tried to use those photos as evidence anyways.

Obviously, Apple presented the evidence. That doesn't mean that Steve Jobs maniacally laughed as he signed off on the photoshopped pics. Like I said, some ppl just need a reason to blame Apple...
Well the people who did it either work for Apple or work with them. Either way Apple is still responsible and according to everything we've been here, Apple tried to use those photos as evidence anyways.

Everything I have read has started out with Apple "may" have me that means we don't really know but since we don't like apple we will just it on as truth. Its what the media does. Not just with apple with all companies, sports teams, political people, everyone has an agenda.

To be or not to be........................wait what was the question? This signature has been Tapatalk approved.
We all will have opinions on what really happened, obviously being a android forum most of those will support the evidence but the investigation I am sure will be thorough and widely reported on in the forums and tech sites.

To be or not to be........................wait what was the question? This signature has been Tapatalk approved.
That's the point. It's not like Apple said, ok let's doctor these photos and pass them off as truth. The people who did it are stupid, and the lawyers didn't catch it. It's not like their was some corporate conspiracy by Apple to pull wool over the eyes of the court. I mean, you do know that at some point in this proceeding the two devices would physically be shown side by side, right? and it wouldn't be them looking at pictures all day long. why would they do that when its pretty obvious the actual devices would be compared in person?

Well, it isn't like Steve Jobs is reviewing every bit of evidence being submitted in these lawsuits. HOWEVER, my guess is that it was some legal clerk in the law firm figured that it would help bolster the case if the phones looked more similar. Apple's attorneys' aren't going to catch it since they are law experts, not phone experts. The judge isn't going to catch it since he judges law, not cell phones. BUT having the phones an identical size WILL give an impression that they are copies and could effectively sway the judge or jury. Samsung's attorneys do have a legitimate argument that the order should be vacated based on the alteration of the evidence. That would be akin to altering evidence in another trial, like say a murder trial.
Ah...I can't edit..............

What I was going to say is that at the end of the day, the attorneys, and by extension, their client (Apple) is responsible for presenting truthful evidence. If the evidence has been doctored, then it should be disallowed and stricken from the case.
Well, it isn't like Steve Jobs is reviewing every bit of evidence being submitted in these lawsuits. HOWEVER, my guess is that it was some legal clerk in the law firm figured that it would help bolster the case if the phones looked more similar. Apple's attorneys' aren't going to catch it since they are law experts, not phone experts. The judge isn't going to catch it since he judges law, not cell phones. BUT having the phones an identical size WILL give an impression that they are copies and could effectively sway the judge or jury. Samsung's attorneys do have a legitimate argument that the order should be vacated based on the alteration of the evidence. That would be akin to altering evidence in another trial, like say a murder trial.

And I agree with this, and it's absolutely someone's fault on Apple's side. The point is it's not from the top and not some corporate conspiracy by the Apple bigwigs. That's all I'm saying. People here seem to think that there was some executive order from Apple, and they had full knowledge that this was being done, and that's ridiculous. Someone on apple's side messed up, but it wasn't someone up top who thought "maybe we can get away with it" was undoubtedly some clerk or paralegal who decided to have some fun or thought he was helping the case.

but like i said the devices would obviously be presented in their physical form in the courts...would apple knowingly do something so foolish? i doubt it.
Ah...I can't edit..............

What I was going to say is that at the end of the day, the attorneys, and by extension, their client (Apple) is responsible for presenting truthful evidence. If the evidence has been doctored, then it should be disallowed and stricken from the case.

Agreed. If this evidence was presented it shouldn't be allowed. And it won't. I'm just responding to the people in this thread who seem to think that everyone at Apple knew about this, and they did this intentionally to somehow trick the courts. That's a ridiculous implication.