Apple cant let it go.....

So, Verizon and such has taken many stabs at ATT and Apple....same difference....who cares. Its part of competition, its what keeps good products coming.
i'd love to meet the giant that they had put his paw around the phone like that. he's damn near crushing it with his hand! i can't recreate this one iota, and i sure as hell don't have any bars dropping.

apple can be so childish sometimes. glad i left them to get the droid x.
For the life of me I can not reproduce this on my Droid X.

They make it look like such a casual hand grip but they're probably paying a group of engineers to find the exact spot you have to position every single finger and palm of your hand for this to work.

Fact is.. I can take my co-workers Iphone 4 and go from 4 bars to zero with the tip of my pinky finger while it sits on the desk. This is no lie. I owned the the original Iphone and the 3g so I have no aversion to apple products.
So, Verizon and such has taken many stabs at ATT and Apple....same difference....who cares. Its part of competition, its what keeps good products coming.

I'm all for competition, but this isnt about that. Apple is trying to say that other phones do it to justify why theirs does it. And most of the video's they have done showing antenna drops are flat out lies.
I think that it is fake. Where is the 3G symbol and why does the phone look so small unless the guy holding it is huge!!!
SJ is psychotic...brilliant, but psychotic...he's supposed to be a marketing genius...maybe he needs a large size mock turtleneck, cause I think the one he's worn forever is starting to get tight and cut off the blood supply to his brain.
The more I watch that video the more inadequate I feel as a man. That guys hand is monstrous. I can't even get my fingers to reach the spots on the phone he's touching.

I'm going to go cry now. LOL
Well I can duplicate this guys grip on my X, but I have pretty big hands. The only way I can make my signal drop is to put a chunk of tinfoil behind my hand and it still doesnt drop to zero. I don't see how they did that.
I have big hands as well and can hold the same way, but darn it, I just can't drop a call no matter how hard I try.
"Apple cant let go" ... and neither can the Apple Haters..

Many phones have a Antenna problem when held in certain ways. I didnt watch the video and dont care to.
You're right Rindean, grab on to any antenna (I was part of the rabbit ear days), and you will impede signal (or in some cases with rabbit ears, improve reception-think kid standing there acting as antennae so dad can watch game). Only the iphone can you put a finger on one spot and actually completely kill the reception and drop the call...bad design no matter how you look at it, the "iSpot" should have had some kind of material to insulate, the fact that Stevo is denying it is what really ticks people off. Had he said, "you're right, send it back an we'll pull off the metal antenna wrap and insulate the end and send it back to you" he would have been a hero, but instead he want's to make an donkey out of himself and point fingers...sore loser

and no, I don't have an iPhone, but I did stand there with our CIO and replicate killing a call on his iPhone
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Only the iphone can you put a finger on one spot and actually completely kill the reception and drop the call...bad design no matter how you look at it,

Exactly...My post from Engadget:

Did anybody notice......

If u hold the phone like that u cant even talk on the phone good? His pinky is blocking, in the way of the mic...

And the No Service message never popped up. I bet they tried and it took awhile for that to happen. Why stop before the No Service message comes up...Hmmmm. lol

Thanks Apple, cuz to talk on the phone, I wouldnt even begin to hold it like that...

Again Apple, and iPhone fans, its not that the iPhone 4 loses bars, signal! All phones might! We get that!!


iPhone 4, I actually hold my phone like that....
X, I want to have a clear path to the mic to actually talk...

Serious Fail Apple....WOW......
I swear I see the battery level dropping in the video :) I doubt the authenticity of that 48 second demonstration.
This proves that the video could of been a fake.
[video=youtube;2fup7fb1qIM]]YouTube - DROID X Deathgrip, It's Not Possible[/video]