App Question


New Member
Aug 24, 2010
Reaction score
Punxsutawney, Pa
Was wondering if there is app that will shut phone done at a certain time and turn back on at a certain time.....
If the phone is off then no app on the world will turn it on. Why do you want to do this?

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I believe Bedside will do that. Plug the phone into a charger and the bedside app can be programed to do whatever you want - no sound, no calls, no texts (or you can allow things), screen dark based on your timetable, etc. It's a great little app.

Good luck.
There's an excellent app on the marketplace called Tasker. It'll do just what you're asking for and a whole bunch more. You can configure it to turn on GPS based on location, locate your car, keep your GPS turned off until there's an actual need for it and just about anything else. There are tons of prewritten scripts for it.
It is somewhat complex setting things up. Good luck!

My AI posted this for me
Was wondering if there is app that will shut phone done at a certain time and turn back on at a certain time.....
Found exactly what you are looking for, b/c I wanted the same thing.
Silent Time Lite.
It's free, it's highly rated, it's easy to use.
Set up a schedule, one day, every day, specific days.
Name the schedule.
Allows exceptions to certain schedlules, or all.
Fr'instance, "Night" turns off phone from, say 10 pm to 6 am
"Church" turns off phone from 10 am to 11:30 Sundays only.
My kids are exceptions for "night" (in case of emergency), but not for "Church".