app market error

Feb 28, 2011
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Why is it when I try and Go in the App market to download an app I get an error saying the "Download was unsuccessful" anyone know whats going on, and how to fix this?
Hi, I had a similiar issue. mine was when I went to update or download an app it would start and then force close. I am no expert here but read several posts and tried many things to no avail; and my issue was when I installed a theme over my P.E. 5.02 ROM, the theme installation for some reason deleted my market. When I went to restore the market from Titanium back up, ,it conflicted and my issues were not resolved. I did a complete factory reset (3-4 times) also deleting davik cache, restored a previous saved back up of rom and then installed the theme again and it fixed my problem. Still not exactly sure what the issue was but doing a complete factory re-set (3-4 times) and restalling everything finally worked for me. I hope this helps you.
Okay, real easy fix! I had the Z4 root and all this rom flashing deleted my Z4 root application, so this is where the "Reroot" buttons come in handy. If you z4 application is gone then redownload it and select reroot. Fixed my app market problem.