Lollipop has been a thing now for several months. One of the biggest features of Lollipop is the all new material design. Several custom launchers have already incorporated it, but Apex has lagged behind. They have finally decided to add material to Apex in the latest update. In the update you get all of the 5.0 animations as well. This will be especially awesome for those of you who are not running Android 5.0 yet as this will give you an early taste of Lollipop on your device.
Apex Changes in 3.0 Include
-Material Design Modern UI
-Material App Icons
-Redesigned Apex Action icons
-Lollipop Drawer Background and Animations
-Lollipop Folder Style and Animation
-Lollipop Search Bar and Scroll Indicator
-Lollipop Drawer Icon
-and Other UI Tweaks
Via Play Store