Here is a link to working aosp camera.apk in the rar file I have also included the XDA dev Media profiles.xml file that turns up the image quality a bit and gives you 29 fps video capture, This xml makes video soo much more smoother..
Here is the simplest and easiest way to install this.
Get root explorer, if you dont have root explorer by now then your doing it wrong.. hahah
drop the files on your sd somewhere, ,
Go into system/app find camera.apk, Note the permissions, then rename it camera.bak.
Find the new aosp camera apk, and copy it into that folder.
for the media_profiles.xml just go to search to find the folders and .bak the originals or overwrite,
Reboot and your good to go. you now have a bit nicer quality photos, faster better quality video and no more "fake" cropped widescreen pics.
Aosp cam is also alot faster when changing settings for lighting, flash etc, Sure there are some features that the aosp does NOT have over the blur camera, but I never used those to miss them I just want a good quality fast camera as the Droid x Camera is meh in the first place.
Enjoy!, Credit goes out to the guys on XDA who made the modded xml. - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! <--------- DOWNLOAD LINK