Any promo code for Droid X Desktop Charger?


Silver Member
Jul 13, 2010
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Arnold, MD
Current Phone Model
Galaxy S6
I'm ready to "make the plunge" for the desktop cradle for the X. Does anybody know of any active promo codes for it? I know it's only $49.99 from the VZW web site...just wondering if there are any further breaks.

are you a student? you can get 25% discount on accessories plus 15% or more off your phone bill.dancedroid
Check and see if your company gets discounts, I get 25 % off accesories and 25 % off my monthly bill and 20 % off data plan.
Unfortunately neither of those applied to me and after using some that I found from Googling it, those didn't work either.

I just paid the $49.99 asking price and it should be arriving today. dancedroid
Well, I did receive the cradle today and I'm a little underwhelmed. I don't know what I was expecting exactly but I feel like $50 is too much to be paying for this thing. It doesn't come with the HDMI cable (not that I can actually use it, but still...) and it just seems to act as a stand while you're charging the phone.

I do have the intention of using it as a replacement for my ~30 year old radio alarm clock so it won't go to waste by any means.
Thanks Sydman, Didn't know about the 20% of the data plan, just the 25% off bill. I called verizon and now get the extra discount. Every bit helps when bills get as high as they are. Have a good one.
Thanks Sydman, Didn't know about the 20% of the data plan, just the 25% off bill. I called verizon and now get the extra discount. Every bit helps when bills get as high as they are. Have a good one.

For sure man, got to get them wherever you can
Not trying to hijack the thread, but i was wondering if anyone knew if i could get the student discount. Currently im on my parents plan but i am a student currently. anychance on a discount. i normally handle all the internet/phone bills for my parents anyway so whatever i can save them really helps.