Any other Lost fanatics here?


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Premium Member

I am A TRUE fanatic....but still didnt figure out why there is a polar bear on the island -.-


New Member
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this upcoming season is the last season right? How are they possibly going to be able to answer all these questions in one season? My head explodes every time that show comes on.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but this upcoming season is the last season right? How are they possibly going to be able to answer all these questions in one season? My head explodes every time that show comes on.

It is the final season, yes. And no, I don't expect them to answer every single fan question. Nor do I think that they should.

Lost fans break down into two camps, really:

1. Those who view this as one extended procedural drama and will be throwing their television sets through the window next May if every picayune, esoteric question is not answered.

2. The group who has enjoyed the way in which the story has been told as much as they have enjoyed the story itself. The answers are not so important to this group.

I am firmly in the latter camp. Do I love being able to figure out something before the show answers it for me? Sure! But I actually liked Lost better before the last season, when answers started to be delivered routinely. :frown:

I far more enjoy the ride that the show has taken me on these last 5 years. Nothing could ruin the show for me at this point.

IMO, Lost is much more than a story. It's an experience--always has been. The anticipation between episodes and seasons; the endless hours spent ruminating, theorizing, etc.; the interaction with the fan community; the shock, awe, anger, tears, surprises, laughs; being treated like a grown- up with a fully functioning brain that I enjoy using; re-watching previous seasons and seeing how they all have new meaning with each reviewing, etc.

When it's over, I'll miss the ride. The ride has been the hook for me.
I really don't want this show to end it has been so good. It was the bet show for the middle of the week and I don't see much else out there to replace it for me. Every year has gotten better one way or another and can't wait to see how it'll end. I've seen some of the episode titles and am a wee bit concerned about the direction of the show but well have to see.

Lady Droid

I LOOOOOOVE Lost and can't wait for the final season to start! Even though I'm also sad it'll be the final season :( But at the same time, it's great that unlike many shows, they're going to be able to wrap up their storyline the way they want to.

The last three seasons in particular have been INCREDIBLE and I'm really anxious to see what happens now after Juliet apparently detonated the bomb and Jacob was killed by Darth Locke (as we fans on the Lost forums have been calling him :D ).


I LOOOOOOVE Lost and can't wait for the final season to start! Even though I'm also sad it'll be the final season :( But at the same time, it's great that unlike many shows, they're going to be able to wrap up their storyline the way they want to.

The last three seasons in particular have been INCREDIBLE and I'm really anxious to see what happens now after Juliet apparently detonated the bomb and Jacob was killed by Darth Locke (as we fans on the Lost forums have been calling him :D ).

We call him Flocke, too. :icon_ lala:

Lady Droid

I LOOOOOOVE Lost and can't wait for the final season to start! Even though I'm also sad it'll be the final season :( But at the same time, it's great that unlike many shows, they're going to be able to wrap up their storyline the way they want to.

The last three seasons in particular have been INCREDIBLE and I'm really anxious to see what happens now after Juliet apparently detonated the bomb and Jacob was killed by Darth Locke (as we fans on the Lost forums have been calling him :D ).

We call him Flocke, too. :icon_ lala:

That's a good one, too. :D He's also referred to as the Man in Black (which is what he's called in the credits), "Un-locke" and Esau (Jacob's brother in the Bible). :)