Antivirus ?


Dec 22, 2010
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Im a total Noob to my Droid X and this forum ! I was wondering want Antivirus program u guys r using ? Thanx for your time to help out a Noob !

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None....Waste of battery.
You don't need one. Like BnB stated its a waste of battery.

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Thanx guys ! I have only had my Droid for week now and thought I might need a Antivirus app but if u guys say I dont need one then i dont need one ... Thanx !

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"It is important to remember that even though there are instances of the games repackaged with the Trojan, the original versions available in the official Google Android Market have not been affected," the security firm said.
So, um, yeah... Don't download from non-trusted sources. That's been security rule 1 or 2 since the dawn of time. :)

Thanks for the heads up, brianes99. Notice it doesn't say which versions of the OS are vulnerable.
I suggest lookout app for free virus scan and locate.

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Lookout may be nice if you lose your Droid but as an antivirus just like the rest of them it's a resource hog.
I removed Lookout and Prey trying to figure out what was killing my Droid battery. so, no AV running anymore. (i do run "wheres my droid" if i need to find it..). oh.. and maybe that is killing my battery..
I removed Lookout and Prey trying to figure out what was killing my Droid battery. so, no AV running anymore. (i do run "wheres my droid" if i need to find it..). oh.. and maybe that is killing my battery..

If you look at battery use I'll almost bet that display is what's killing your battery. Solution? Well, you can turn down the brightness or simply get a back up battery so you don't have to worry about it.

Oops…went off topic. Sorry.