Android Rooters - how many?


Super Moderator
Rescue Squad
I recently came across some stats that had me wonder about this thread's topic question.

Back on April 20th we started a thread, because I wanted to make sure certain files were available, tested, and worked.

I'd like to thank dmacleo, who was very instrumental in providing a home for those files. He joined the RS and has since become a mod here on DF (effective today).

245 posts and 3 months later, for that thread, I came across the knowledge that those files have been downloaded again...and again...and again, until those downloads have added up to over 700gb worth of downloads.

This above mentioned thread is hardly the only place RSD Lite and SBF files are available so it got me to thinking about how many folks are in the Android rooting scene. The moto-droid was far from the first phone to be rooted, and regardless of the various locked-down bootloaders we hear about it will not be the last.

DroidForums also recently passed the 90,000 member mark. Many more folks just browse here, gathering the information needed, never posting but probably getting a chuckle or two from the various bricked phone threads out there.

Anyways, I bet we all know someone with a rooted phone. I don't know if those with such altered devices number 100,000 or 500,000. The more press out there about customizing Android phone the more folks will end up curious.

And for those who are's some stats on just the files in the SBF root and unroot thread's first post.


Active Member
Thanks Christim, cool thread and interesting statistics you got here!
And thanks to your thread and a LOT of questions I asked you I'm sure you remember me annoying you a lot, I learned how to root and now helped many other people out too!


It seems like anyone with an android phone would root, or at least know what it means. I have come across people with a slide(X2), MT3G, and a Droid, none of which even knew what root I was like...WTF??? Get on the computer for crying out loud. When I tried to explain to them what it was, I felt like I was wasting my breath and my time so I don't even bring it up anymore....I think from now on I'll just check the device out....turn the phone around in my hands a bit and say...."hhmm...sweet phone." *shows lack of interest but screaming on the inside*


Super Moderator
Premium Member
Rescue Squad
Hi RoLa good to see you back into the thick of things. I have to agree with your assessment. The funny thing that I am now facing is my husband is so thrilled with his rooted droid that he is telling everyone that I did it and now all his co-workers want me to root their droids instead of going online and do a little reading for themselves. Most of these guys are engineers for gods sake and know computers very well, so if this computer novice can figure out rooting (with the exceptional help of a dear friend.............RoLa) Then they should be able to as well. I am a firm believer that you should know and understand what you are doing to your device and not rely on anyone else because if there is a problem you will not be able to fix it.

:icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana:


Super Moderator
Rescue Squad
I am a firm believer that you should know and understand what you are doing to your device and not rely on anyone else because if there is a problem you will not be able to fix it.

We all know someone who just wants to flip the light and have it go on while not caring what makes it go on. This forum is great because there is a level at which everyone can jump in. If you pick the wrong spot others keep you afloat.