Hi i am known as androidweirdo and i first was introduced to the androids when i switched from a bb curve 2 to the Samsung Acclaim due to tech issues while i was on U.S Cellular then when that phone finally expired i got the LG Apex and the mic went out on it so i got the LG Optimus u but i lost it at busch gardens and U.S Cellular would not give me another phone so i switched over to verizon as i was not in a contract and got the Samsung Fascinate but it had a issue with the calling feature(not receiving calls) so they sent me a certified pre-owned fascinate and it had same problem so they sent me a certified pre-owned HTC Droid Incredible 2 and two days later it crashed when i plugged it into my computer so i finally got them to send me a brand new in box HTC Droid Incredible 2 in the mail and so far only a few minor bugs with it that i am able to over look and that is my android story:icon_eek: