Android and Mac ?


Active Member
Dec 10, 2009
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I'm a Mac user and currently have a Blackberry. I'm very interested in moving to Android but am concerned that many of the hassles of using a Mac that I've experienced with the Blackberry will carry over to and Android phone.

So, I'm wondering how any Mac users experiences are with syncing iCal, Address Book, and iTunes and the general experience.


P.S. I don't want an iPhone....
I had no problems syncing my music with the droid. I didn't try ical since I had no reason to sync that.

I found that syncing the droid with the mac was much better than syncing the BB to my mac.

Another thing you won't have to worry about would be updating the OS, with the droid OS is OTA.
It depends on how you have your iCal/AddressBook setup. The Droid is a platform that integrates really well with your Gmail address. iCal can be used to manage your Google Calendar. Addressbook can be used to sync with Google Contacts.

If you use the MobileMe suite, this functionality doesn't work so well. I don't think there's a sync path for MobileMe Calendar to Google Calendar. I've also had some serious issues attempting to modify contacts in Addressbook where I've given up modifying contacts on my Mac and using the Google Contacts or Droid only to modify my contacts. Addressbook will sync the changes down from the phone, so I will have a local copy that I can work off of.
Im in the exact same boat. Switched from BB to Droid, and Ive never looked back. Got all my music and pics on there no problem. All OS updates are OTA, so no drama there. I have had little to no issues with my non G mail email account. And I synced Ical w/ my gmail calendar so my phone calendar automatically syncs w/ my desktop calendar. Make the jump. you wont be sorry.
I've had the Droid now for a few weeks, and also use Macs. I love MobileMe, syncs all of my macs together. Looks like I'll have to migrate over to Google. Still feeling my way around.
Don't know if there's enough of us out there to have a separate forum, or if there is one somewhere out there.
Many thanks for the info. I'm ready to port everything over the the gmail account (iCal, Address Book). With music files I can probably drag and drop but playlists would be nice...

If there is a Mac/Android forum out there, that would be great. Anyone know of one?
Many thanks for the info. I'm ready to port everything over the the gmail account (iCal, Address Book). With music files I can probably drag and drop but playlists would be nice...

If there is a Mac/Android forum out there, that would be great. Anyone know of one?

Don't know of a Mac-only Android forum. No real need for it (I'm a Mac user as well).

As far as playlists, there are a few apps available (I don't know them off the top of my head) which allow you to use iTunes to manage your music just like with an iPod or iPhone. Post that question over in the applications section around here. You'll find an answer quickly.
Check out doubleTwist for mimicking iTunes and syncing music and photos (I haven't done photos, yet). It's a free app.

I'm a forever Mac & iPhone user who just moved to the Droid Bionic and I'm still trying to determine if it was the right move. I've tried MissingSync, doubleTwist, and Google via gmail for iCal & Contact syncing. DropBox is great for file transfers between phone & desktop. And I still have an issue with playing music in my car through the Bionic. I had it for awhile... then lost it! Don't know why yet. I'm so ambivalent about the time spent on these issues, I actually have the iPhone 4S on pre-order and will take a BIG $$ hit, if I switch back. Got the Bionic Sept. 15th!!

I've come to really like the Bionic and the bigger screen ... and actually how the bigger phone feels (and I have small hands). The iPhone looks really small now, but I still miss the seamless syncing with iTunes & iPhoto and what it will be with iCloud.

It would help if we stayed active in posting our successes and flubs re: marrying the Mac and the Droid. We can help each other. LOL ... and I need help before they ship the iPhone 4s! :)
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Just downloaded and used iSyncrLite (free version) to sync music to the Bionic. doubleTwist wouldn't sync some songs but iSyncr transferred them all in a flash.