Android 2.1

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What an impressive piece of software.
Pinch to zoom in browser, and gallery. -Win.
Ability to 2.1 apps like Google Earth -Win.

just on your 2 wins... i only seen pinch to zoom in the gallery. had to do standard double tap in the browser, is there something i'm not doing right?
and where do you get goggle earth? i checked the market for it but didn't find it
Its on the market for me.

As for pinch to zoom, mobile sites don't do it. Gotta be full sites.
What an impressive piece of software.

Pinch to zoom in browser, and gallery. -Win.
Security and bugfixes -Win.
Increased call quality and battery life -Win.
Live wallpapers -Win.
Ability to 2.1 apps like Google Earth -Win.
Voice to text -Win.

Compared to what you would get new in BB OS:




You are complaining about cosmetic bullcrap that can be worked around with other apps.
I agree. 2.1 may not be as great as hyped, but compared to BB and WinMo, we're spoiled :)
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