Amazon mp3 downloads


New Member
Dec 15, 2010
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I downloaded several compilation albums from amazon. In the music player, under albums tab, the songs are separated by artists. So for one album I will have seven listings for the seven different artists. How do I get them all under one album listing?

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The album sort doesn't show all tracks for one album under the one album title?
No, it shows all tracks by one artist under the album title. For instance I downloaded an album, the 99 most essential classical pieces of music. Under the album sort, there are like thirty three listings for the same album, but by thirty three listings. When I go into my sd card and check it out. Amazon first lists the artist, the next folder is the album title, then the next folder is the tracks by that artist on the album. Its really annoying having thirty listings for the same album when I'm scrolling through the albums sort!

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Make a copy of the folder containing the album.....

try taking the folder on your SD card and reorganizing it so that it is only 2 folders... ie "album" and then inside that should be the artist and their track.... use SDrescan to refresh your SD card (or reboot) and let me know if that fixes the issue.

reason I said to copy the folder first is just in case it messes it up worse you'll have the original and you can't get mad at me :)