So I went ahead and took the plunge. I got the Max HD. Best buy will price match with Amazon, I went ahead used the credit card, and low and behold it rang up as 112.00$! Must have used the money I spent on of Max towards the diff. I feel eve better about getting it. I can easily pay that off in a week.
Why I made the plunge, I took y'all advice, I think it was Tismydroid. Suggested I play with them in the store side by side. I did, I did not see a whole lot of difference in speed but HD was a fraction of a second faster. The display is nicer, but what was the winning moment? When I realized the interface was a lot more user friendly and it seem to be set up more intuitively to what I want to do. It was set up a bit like my old X with quick settings. It is a really easy phone to figure out.
Get if you can afford it. It's so much friendlier to navigate. Don't know why but I can type a whole lot better on this screen then I could the other one. Maybe that 4.7 inch screen makes a difference after all.
I know I should have put this all on another thread. But I got on a roll. Also it's a big solid metal phone. It feels so comfortable in my hand. I do love the circle Widgets. GPS is locked and correct, I used it for driving home. We shall see how this phone acts in two weeks, hopefully it will still be wonderful.
Buy it, take the plunge. I'm happy. Moderators u can move this if you need to. I got off on a tangent, lots of coffee this morning.